Types of Diamond Cuts
There are several types of diamond cuts available, but there are a few which stand out. Keep reading to find out which are some of the most popular types of diamond cuts, and which go best for rings, earrings, pendants and so on.
Round cut diamonds
A classy, traditional type of cut for diamonds. This is the most sought after cut when it comes to engagement rings and diamond earrings. According to estimates, about 75%+ of all diamonds sold will have a round brilliant cut. The round cut will maximize the brilliance, sparkle and fire of even the smallest carat weight diamond.
Marquise Cut diamonds
The Marquise cut is a football shape type of cut. This cut is most often chosen for diamond rings, mainly because the cut will offer the largest visible surface area for a diamond. Therefore, people who cannot afford higher carat weight diamonds, will chose smaller ones and will opt for the Marquise cut. The long and narrow shape of the Marquise cut is what makes the diamond appear bigger than it is in reality.
Pear Shaped cut
The cut resembles the shape of a pear, with one elongated end. Also known as “teardrop” cut, this is one of the most popular choices for diamond earrings. The cut is basically a combination of the Marquise and round cut diamonds. Pear shaped diamonds need to be very carefully set with strong prongs to avoid chipping of the diamond at its pointed end.
Emerald cut diamonds
This is a special mirror effect cut for diamonds, even though not the most popular type of cut. People choose it mainly for anniversary rings, engagement rings, larger carat weight earrings, and even pendants. The emerald cut is considered a classic elegant shape, and it is mostly favored for its ‘halo’, or mirroring effect it creates due to the special cutting technique.
Princess cut diamonds
This is a fancy diamond shape, mostly favored for engagement rings. Princess cut diamonds represent the second best choice after the round brilliant cut diamonds. The square princess cut diamonds are also much cheaper than a round brilliant cut, because they retain more than 80% of the rough diamond. On the other hand, a round brilliant will keep only about 50% of the rough diamond.
Oval cut diamonds
Considered a great classic, the oval shaped diamond represents a popular choice for engagement rings, anniversary rings, pendants and even earrings. Thanks to their elongated shapes, oval diamonds will easily recreate the illusion of a much larger diamond than its real carat weight. This is yet another reason why many people will opt for the oval cut instead of the round brilliant which basically retains only 50% of the rough diamond, making it an expensive choice.
These are some of the most popular diamond cuts available out there. However, the number of cuts available in general is much higher. Some other diamond cut types also include the Grace, Asscher, Heart, Cushion, Radiant, Flanders, Trillion, and Old Miner cuts.