Getting the Best Value for your Diamond Jewelry
Diamonds are “rock solid” investments that are also recession proof. It is almost always a good time to sell a diamond, but you really need to plan carefully your sale. When it comes to selling diamonds, you should definitely avoid listing them on online marketplaces that are not secure. You really need to invest quality time into research and plan well your sale to ensure you will get the best value possible.
Read economic statistics on diamonds
There are many high profile economic publications available online. You should start reading statistics and news pertaining to how diamonds sell in your area, or even globally if you wish For example, a few years ago more and more middle class people from China or India started buying diamonds. Due to this fact, diamond prices increased by almost 50%. This means diamond owners were able to win great profits by selling diamond jewelry abroad. Before actually selling your diamond, the wisest choice is to stay educated in the field and read important publications or news pieces that will unveil several important tips to you.
Always get a professional evaluation
You may know that your diamond jewelry is valuable. But how valuable is it? There are different quality diamonds out there, and by having a simple look at it you cannot tell its value. The best thing to do is have it professionally evaluated by a jeweler. He will also inform you about the real market value of such a diamond, so that you will know which direction to take when you sell. Getting a professional evaluation will also help you avoid underselling your precious piece of jewelry.
On the other hand, if you are certain that the value of your diamond is somewhere between $1,500 and $2,000 maximum, you don’t have to spend a great amount of money on professional evaluation. It is enough if you will visit a few pawnbroker stores for example and get a quick evaluation there. The experts will tell you for how much they would buy your diamond, and with the “real” value you have knowledge of, you can make some quick calculations and decide for how much you could sell it.
Research online and perform your price investigation
People who want the best quality will buy new diamonds. Only those looking for bargains, or looking to resell will typically buy worn diamond jewelry. Therefore, you should run your own research online to check out some prices. Check similar new diamond jewels, and then you will get a sort of estimate for how much you could sell your own worn diamond jewelry. Several high end diamond sellers online allow you to perform very detailed searches, to help you find exactly what you are looking for.
Simply enter the features of your diamond jewel, and you will most likely get a results page with similar jewelry. See the prices, and do your math to find out how much you could get for your diamond.