About Independent Diamond Appraisers
The diamond industry is an extremely complex one, with many ups and downs and many things you should be careful about. If you are not a regular diamond investor who knows all the intricacies of the business, the best thing you can do is have on your side an independent diamond appraiser. There are many such specialists trained in evaluating diamonds of all types, and they do no have any interest in offering you this/that opinion or persuading you to buy a certain piece of jewelry.
Independent appraisers help you make safe buying decisions.
An independent diamond appraiser will get his fee regardless of the outcome of the evaluation. If you take a diamond to him and after analyzing it he tells it is a fake diamond, he gets paid. You get to return the fake diamond and receive your money back, while being extremely happy you avoided a fraudster. You may take your diamond for an appraisal and he can tell you this particular diamond has X market value. If the seller asked for more money, it is time to start carrying on negotiations - because you found out the real market price of such a diamond, and you cannot be ‘fooled’.
As you can easily notice there are many factors that speak in favor of opting for the services of an independent appraiser when purchasing a diamond. In fact, you can actually obtain a much better price offer, if you will inform the seller that this respective diamond will go through appraisal first before purchasing it. This way, the seller might reconsider his asking price and slide down on the scale to a more reasonable price. Because you cannot be fooled.
Independent means trustworthy
Since diamond appraisers do not take any sort of interest in making you buy or sell the diamond, you can trust their opinion. They will use all their acquired knowledge and skills to offer you a fair market appraisal that you can use as your standard guide whether you buy or sell diamonds.
Especially if you are getting ready to make an investment in a more expensive gemstone, you must have the opinion of an independent appraiser. He will inform you not only about the pricing details, but also about extremely important structural qualities and characteristics of the respective stone (the quality of the cut, its clarity, the color, potential enhancements/fillers, genuineness of the stone, etc.).
When it comes to diamonds, the greatest majority of sellers offer return policies of even up to 4 weeks. This will allow you enough time to find a top reputable independent appraiser and ensure that you have made the right investment. In case you find out that you overpaid for the diamond, or you are not satisfied with its quality characteristics, you have the right to ask for a refund. This is what a safe investment means!